warrior prowess

2 month container in which I hold you whilst you clear all that is no longer serving you, all that is getting in the way of you becoming the truest version of yourself. 

We clear out childhood trauma, generational trauma, past lives trauma, ancestral, and anything adverse that might have happened in the womb. We also work to strengthen your own internal resources as we do this work. The two go hand in hand anyway, but we make accessing our own inner power even more intentional.
Empty space, drag to resize

You will feel lighter.
You will feel less triggered.
You will feel more like the real you.
You will feel stronger, more powerful,
and more intentional in your life.

This is an epic clearing of density in your system so that you can really lock in the higher version of yourself, free from past trauma,
conditioning and hurt

I use a combination of somatic trauma release, energetics / frequencies and systems work.

thank you

 For choosing to become the truest version of yourself.

You will feel lighter. You will feel less triggered. You will feel more like the real you. You will feel stronger, more powerful, and more intentional in your life.

Remember, You also have automatic access to my online self-study Nobody is Broken-Beyond Trauma course. 

Upcoming Sessions

Once you have booked your 1:1 sessions, you will be able to access them below or via the confirmation email.

Book your sessions

the warrior prowess package includes:

Write your awesome label here.
  • 8 x 1:1 sessions
  • Plus additional text support (during working hours) between sessions, if needed. These can be done over one month, or two months if you prefer. 
  • You also have automatic access to my online self-study Nobody is Broken - Beyond Trauma course.
  • In this container, we work quickly to do a clearing of past trauma that is getting in the way of you moving forwards in the way that you want to. 
  • As with all my work, we look at where you are now, and where you want to be, how you feel now, and how you would prefer to be feeling - and we close that gap. 

Please do enquire for futher details

about lucinda

Lucinda is a coach, mentor, emotion alchemy pioneer and trauma specialist, and she is the author of Nobody is Broken. She has been working with clients, helping them to heal and live vibrantly, for over a decade. If you would like to read her full bio, please click the button below.
Write your awesome label here.
Lucinda Gordon Lennox
MSc, MBACP (Accred)