The Inner Expansion Agency
Free resources: Meditations, daily affirmations and love notes into your inbox to support you on your healing journey.
The wound is the light which enters you.
What is The Inner Expansion Agency?
The place to learn how to master your emotions.
The place to discover how to consciously manifest your most beautiful life.
The place to begin living your best, fullest life.
Because nobody is broken.
You’re in the right place.
The place to discover how to consciously manifest your most beautiful life.
The place to recognise your wounds and the steps to take to heal them.
The place to begin living your best, fullest life.
Because nobody is broken.
If you’re ready to transform your life, come in and explore.
You’re in the right place.
Our bodies and our systems are infinitely wise and the truth is, most of what weighs you down isn't actually yours to carry. Life events, along with deep conditioning cause barriers, ultimately claiming your power as an individual.
Hello darling friends,
Trauma expert and trauma thriver, lover of life, steadfast in the belief that we’re put on this beautiful planet with the capacity to live wonderfully.
But I didn’t used to feel like that. I spent 30 years living in the dark. Being the victim.
As a trauma specialist and psychotherapist, I work with the light and the dark.
Because as human beings, we’re complex whole beings.
I’m a trauma therapist. But I’m also a woman, a mother, an author, a former addict and a miracle manifestor.
As a trauma survivor I’ve thrown myself into the subject of trauma. I’ve trained amongst the best teachers and learnt a range of modalities and techniques which form the basis of my practice.
Through conscious manifesting, emotional mastery, soul connection and inner expansion, we’ll reprogramme your subconscious so you can live a life free from the constraints of past trauma.
The Inner Expansion Agency is a space where you can learn, be with yourself and heal. I’ve lovingly created it just for you. It will house my courses, and free resources and meditations to help you on your healing journey. Connect with me and connect with the inner expansion community.
What is Inner expansion?
An inner expansion is the feeling of light spaciousness and raised consciousness. You feel this in your being when you dissolve density from past traumas, learn emotion mastery and align your conscious with the subconscious in order to co-create with the Universe and manifest into reality your desires in alignment with your soul.
Rather than being something you think our way into,
this is something you become.