1:1 private, Ultimate Wholeness 

This is your return to the Ultimate Wholeness that is already inside of you.

This programme is an opportunity for you to work directly with me, 1:1, for 2 months.

This is your return to your Ultimate Wholeness.

this is my intention for you. 


Thank you for choosing you. 

You can book your private 1:1 sessions with me following the links below. Once you've booked, you'll be able to access your call here or via the link in your confirmation email.

This 1:1 Ultimate Wholeness programme takes you on a journey
of unlocking the expansion that is already inside you.

An inner expansion is the process of evolving that allows you to grow exponentially - which is actually, precisely what your soul wants for you in this lifetime. 

Any other type of growth is nothing more than an excuse made by the ego-mind to keep you safe in what you know.

This is the same for everyone on this planet. 

Your soul is crying out to evolve. 

Every time you find yourself wanting ‘more’ this is your soul crying out for growth and expansion.

We are taught that wanting more is bad, or greedy. But this is completely untrue. Wanting more is what keeps us alive. Once we are done wanting more, we essentially - and eventually - die. 

You know you are evolving already; you can feel it as life circumstances come and go and you mature on a deep level. But you are not always growing in ways that fully satisfy you, nourish you, or fulfil you.

The notion of living vibrantly frankly feels like a dream. So you end up feeling a bit bored, tired, stuck, frustrated, despondent, going round in circles - or you just accept this as the norm.

When you embark on an Inner Expansion, you get to tune in to your Soul more fully.

Life challenges now become exciting exponential growth opportunities rather than the dreaded never-ending cycle of putting out fires to keep everything steady. 

When you tune into your soul, you get to really hear your true desires. 

And then you get to evolve and grow with deep satisfaction, purpose, fulfilment - and joy. 

This is the process of Inner Expansion.

Our time together is tailor-made for you

In this programme your soul can continue its expansion from wherever it is now, to wherever the next phase of your journey is.

Write your awesome label here.

Everything in your external world is a reflection of your inner world. In order to change your outer world, you need to change your internal world. 

I will support you through this exponential acceleration of growth. And your life will enhance accordingly.

 There is no better feeling than the realisation that anything is possible and that our notions of the predictability of life really are a thing of the past - as you come to understand that it’s only your mind and stories that are limiting you.

You are WAY more powerful than you realise.

I know you’re capable of anything. I know you’re more powerful than you could believe possible. I know you have the power to transform your life, if you’re given the tools, information, keys, know-how and responsibility. 

YOU hold the power. 

I’ll hold you in a safe container where you can
realise this for yourself. 

phrases that clients have used to describe their transformations include:

 "More energy and drive.”
 “More clarity around the future I want to create for myself.”
 “Utterly life-changing."
 “Feeling comfortable with uncomfortable feelings."
 "Feeling grounded and calm."
 “Instant manifestations within a few days."
 “Happiness and lightness."
 “I no longer sabotage myself or those I love."
"Stronger relationships."
"Better health."
 "More empathy for myself."
 "Finally connected with my inner source."
 "I am aligned."
 "My energy has been reinvigorated and renewed."

You will be starting a journey you’ll continue for the rest of your life. 

An Inner Expansion is not a one time thing that you think your way into, this is something that you become.

what to expect:

Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
 Deep transformations

 Connection with your true essence

 Witness your external world change before your eyes 

 A cessation of unhelpful behavioural patterns and belief systems

 Reconnecting with your truth
 A frequency upgrade and a honing of your co-creation skills.

  Re-writing your story 

 A coming back to your Wholeness. A claiming of your magic. Connecting with the truth of who you are.

Duration 6 months

Write your awesome label here.
Lucinda Gordon Lennox

Taking responsibility for your progress is a critical piece to your transformation

This 1:1 programme will support you and I will share knowledge, wisdom, tools and techniques that will help you.

But the inner determination to change needs to come from within you. You are the one choosing to change and grow and align with the higher frequencies available to you. I will help you and teach you - but ultimately you have to want it. 

You've got this. YOU hold the power and part of my role is to help you realise this completely.

If you have a calling that there is more to life and that you want whatever that is, then you are most probably ready. 

This programme is for people who are ready to do deep internal dives, to take charge of their lives, to take the reins and go for their desires, reclaiming their power.

Yes, there will be homework. 
Yes, this is a daily practice. 
Yes, this is a new way of living. 

Realising that you are 100% responsible for everything that you feel, think and experience in your life - and learning how to heal everything coming up in you that doesn’t feel good - will be the most liberating experience of your life. There might be times when it feels uncomfortable. You might wish to run away at times too. This is all part of the process. And I am here to guide you. 

what's included:

 3 x 1:1 sessions with me every month

 access to me for support and breakthroughs between sessions.

 Lifetime access to  all my  online courses

 Lifetime access to any new meditations or webinars that I create and record on through the Inner Expansion

What you’ll specifically get out of this depends on you as an individual and what you put into it. 

But as my clients tell you, the transformation possible with this work is truly life changing. 

This is what I want for you.

Duration: 2 months, 

If you would like more information please click the button below.

I am so excited to go on this journey with you!