lucinda gordon lennox
MSc, FDAP, MBACP (Accred.)
Rebecca email:

Thank you for your interest in undertaking this inner work with me, and please find this framework via which we can work together.

I am an accredited psychotherapist and I specialise in AF-EMDR (Attachment Focussed Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing), AI-EMDR, and EMDR. I am a Reconnective Healing Practitioner levels I, II and III, and a Reiki practitioner. I am also trained in energetics and am a certified Ho’oponopono practitioner, and I work with a range of approaches with the aim of finding the right mix for you. 

While deep inner work can be a rewarding and growthful experience, please be aware also that it can at times be difficult and challenging. 

As a psychotherapist, I am bound to a code of ethics and confidentiality, and am obliged therefore not to disclose any information to a third party (other than within professional supervision) without your consent. 

However, if in exceptional circumstances I were to become concerned that you may be in danger of harming either yourself or others, I am also bound by a legal duty of care to seek to prevent this. I would normally seek your consent before undertaking any action.

I will always endeavour to give as much notice of my availability as possible. Where I need to cancel our sessions for any reason, or have to miss a session without being able to notify you, there will of course be no charge.

I am also a speaker, writer, mentor and coach, and this means that some weeks I am not available for sessions. I am, as a rule, generally available for client sessions for a total of 9 months out of 12 every year. Please do consider whether occasional session irregularity is something that will work for you.

Should you be unable to attend a session, please do change / move it yourself through Calendly. Sessions cancelled by you at less than 48 hour’s notice, or missed without notice, will, unless otherwise agreed, be charged at the full rate and Calendly will be locked within this timeframe. If we are able to reschedule you for the same week however, you will not be charged twice; in order to see if this is possible, please contact Rebecca at the email address above. You are welcome to book 1, 4, 8 or 12 sessions at a time. If you cannot see any times available, please do contact Rebecca in case there is another space we can offer you manually.

AF-EMDR sessions will last 55-60 minutes each and the womb work and preconception sessions 90 minutes.

Please note that the online courses and 1:1 sessions are not refundable once bought. If buying a package of sessions, these are valid for 6 months and must be used within that time, otherwise they will expire. 

Agreement to continue this work with me will be understood as acceptance of these terms.

with my warmest wishes,